A wise women once told me that we are just visitors in our homes, even when we own them, they will stand long after we are gone and we become part of their history.
Over the past month I have been packing boxes, getting ready to move out of No58, our home for 23 years. I have never lived anywhere that long but it seems to have been fleeting, certainly fleeting in the 125 years No58 has been standing.
I am always conscious of my privilege to, not only have a home but also to have had such a beautiful space to grow; in myself, in my relationships, in my community and my business. As a visitor at No58 I would like to thank it for our stay, it has been awesome!
I know that there would not be many places that my hands have not touched, the walls, the skirtings, doors and windows, shelves and almost every corner and cornice. Whether I was plastering, sanding, painting, varnishing, wall papering, or polishing I feel I got to know you No58, and you got to know us, our little family.
I would like to thank you No 58, you have been the best of homes. You served us well all these years and I am so grateful. You have held us safe, been a vessel for much happiness and love, joy and laughter, I am so grateful you kept us safe. There has been first born, first steps, first words, birthdays, celebrations, parties, so much laughter and so many bottles of bubbles consumed.
I thank you dear house, I feel privileged to be part of your history and I hope you will look after your next family so well.
Every now and again it is nice to step back, take a moment and be grateful for what we have and what we have had. I am looking forward to the rest of 2024 and our new home and I wonder what this next chapter will be like?